Friday, February 8, 2008

DC @ Night

Those who know me are well aware of my fondness for exploring the city at night, hence the subtitle: Nightlife Confessions of a Single Girl in DC. I discover things that I never would during the day. I also love the stars and the moon, which is why when it's over 60 degrees in February in DC, I feel the need to sit outside. I did so the other night at Marvin with a glass of champagne. It seemed as though every hipster socialite in DC had the same idea. Even saw City Paper cover boy Tony Cord. Way too sceney so, I headed to one of my favorite dives, good ole Solly's. I just love Irish guys who try to convince me that Powers is not the worst whiskey ever. And while I enjoy the familiar faces (bar owners and the women they're secretly dating, the cop I never should have hooked up with, neighborhood regulars), I also love the interesting people I meet. The other night I met the band members of Violet Says 5 - a very cool local rock, hip-hop, funk band. I also met local hip hop artist Flex Mathews who epitomizes the underground DC hip hop scene. I got invited to a showcase at the wonderfully grungy Velvet Lounge that he was hosting last night. It was great. I have a passion for live music and love the creative types and these guys - Flex, Mr. Free, FreeLance 33.3, Shin Q, Tamu, Dirty Water - were really good.
All in all, a couple of fun nights out.

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Anonymous said...

Powers is rough . . . I'm more of a Jameson guy!

City Girl DC said...

I agree. But then, I had something called American Honey and now I'm hooked! Just can't find it anywhere except Marvin.

Anonymous said...

I've never had or even heard of American Honey. To date, I'd have to say my favorite US whiskey family member is Woodford Reserve bourbon. But I'll keep an eye out for American Honey and give it a try when I see it. Thanks for the tip.