Friday, August 28, 2009

Dancing With the Stars: Don't DeLay

Ok, so I'm getting on my ideological high horse. I have to. I am offended by the decision of Dancing With the Stars to include former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay this season. A Texas grand jury indicted the man on charges that he violated campaign finance law back in 2005. While he hasn't been convicted, others involved with him, like Jack Abramoff have. The investigation of him and others revealed that he had knowledge of and benefited from all kinds of atrocious and illegal activities including the slave-like treatment of workers in the U.S. territory of the Northern Marianas. There's a very good PBS documentary by Bill Moyers on this whole situation called "Capitol Crimes", which prominently features DeLay, Abramoff, and others. I actually don't even watch DTWS, but I really won't now. I've noticed from the blogosphere and ABC's own site that some fans are planning to boycott the show and/or advertisers. I think that's a good idea. It's just disturbing what TV producers will do to get ratings. I mean really, we're talking about someone who, whether indirectly or not, contributed to major human rights violations as well as violating the democratic political process. The thinking that DeLay would boost ratings is just odd to me anyway. That mug shot of his is just creepy. Who wants to see this guy dancing around? But then again, that seems to be the direction of reality TV. One of these shows had no problem casting a dude with a criminal record who may have murdered his ex-wife. All I know is that I'm adding two more categories to the "Who Not to Date" list: politicians and reality TV participants.

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