Friday, March 27, 2009

The Tourists Have Descended

I've been in DC for seven years now and have come to understand that this time of year creeps up like a fox. It's a subtle invasion detected by the presence of children and clueless people in
t-shirts and shorts no matter how cold it is. Yes, it's tourist season. I've also noticed that it's become more annoying to me over the years. As I blogged about last year, the strollers are just part of it. It's also all the standing around in herds or just casually walking and clogging up the streets and Metro especially during rush hour periods. Maybe DC government should enact some tourist laws. You know, like not allowing them to come out at certain times. Ok, maybe that's a bit extreme but why can't a girl enjoy spring in DC in peace?

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Unknown said...

OMG - that is SO true!!! hello fellow city girl - just discovered your blog :)

City Girl DC said...

Hey City Girl! I do tend to rant about this every year. Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey City Girl and City Girl DC! Keep in mind that the influx of tourists is about to get worse over the next couple weeks as the Cherry Blossoms go through their blooming period. People tend to come from all over the world to catch a glimpse of the DC Cherry Blossoms. Just a friendly reminder:)

Anonymous said...

YES and can we please remind them to stand on the right when clogging the metro elevators!!!