Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An Evening in Eatonville

Like many of you, I have been eagerly anticipating the opening of Eatonville, the new restaurant at the corner of 14th and T NW, and of the same owners as Busboys and Poets, which is right across the street. The location, as I was told by our friendly southern waiter, has great significance. Any of you familiar with great literature might recognize the tribute to writers Langston Hughes at Busboys and Zora Neale Hurston at Eatonville, her hometown. The two unfortunately parted ways on a bad note and the owner wanted to bring them back together by way of two neighboring DC restaurants. They were both young and employed in our fair city and there is so much to their story that I couldn't possibly go into here. For instance, I had no idea she was the first editor of the Hilltop, the Howard University newspaper. The upstairs lounge is dedicated to this and is called the "Hilltop". How appropriate and charming, I thought. There is so much great history in this city... Anyway, I went there with friends tonight and immediately loved the place. So much attention was given to the decor that every mural, piece of furniture, item on the menu, and seating arrangement has some relevance to the great author, Hurston and her beloved town Eatonville, Florida. I'm a sucker for chandeliers so I was instantly drawn in. And oh yeah, I had the salmon with sweet potato and andouille sausage hash. While not spectacular, it was very good. They also have a very diverse beer list.

I ended up at Marvin and ran into our waiter. We danced all night and talked about fashion, hair, and moisturizers. He is of course gay and now wants to be my BFF. How did I end up a fag hag?!

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