Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Winter Wonderland in DC

I'm actually trying to invoke one of my New Year's resolutions to be more positive in my thinking by not naming this post, The Blizzard of 2010, like every news show has done. Winter Wonderland sounds so much better. At this age, I would never even bother trying not to be sarcastic, which is why I really love the Twitter names swirling around: Snowoverit, Snowverkill, SnOMG, etc. But looking at these pictures (courtesy of my friend Jake in Bloomingdale), you can't help to see the beauty in all of this snow. And of course, hope it goes away soon!

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Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks like you need a snowmobile to get around in that Winter Wonderland.

City Girl DC said...

Thankfully it's getting better.