I just discovered an interesting latent function of Twitter, well at least for me: it can be used to weed out people you thought you might be interested in. I'm not a Facebook person but I'm sure that's also a good way. But what I think is even better about Twitter is that you get these quick little sound bytes into someone's personality, almost like speed dating. It's very spontaneous and makes you think hard about getting in exactly what you want you to say in 140 characters or less. And how did I realize this? Well, of course, because I started following someone I thought I might be interested in. Now I don't have to wonder. Thank you little, chirping blue bird!
Sphere: Related ContentThursday, February 18, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Love is:
My friends
My family - no matter how much they get on my nerves
Having my own version of gamjatang in the fridge
Sade coming out with a new CD just when I needed it most
A DJ who makes me dance my ass off
Letting go of old patterns/ways of seeking love
My Blog/Twitter connections - who knew?
Starting over
Accepting what is
This song: You Gave Me Love (Unreleased Mix), Kenny Bobien, Basement Boys Anthology Disc 2
A heart that has not given up on love
Posted by City Girl DC 0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Winter Wonderland in DC
I'm actually trying to invoke one of my New Year's resolutions to be more positive in my thinking by not naming this post, The Blizzard of 2010, like every news show has done. Winter Wonderland sounds so much better. At this age, I would never even bother trying not to be sarcastic, which is why I really love the Twitter names swirling around: Snowoverit, Snowverkill, SnOMG, etc. But looking at these pictures (courtesy of my friend Jake in Bloomingdale), you can't help to see the beauty in all of this snow. And of course, hope it goes away soon!
Sphere: Related ContentPosted by City Girl DC 2 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Snowed In
With all the snow in DC this season I'm starting to feel like I'm back in the Midwest where I grew up. I didn't like cold, snowy weather then and don't like it now. After eight years here, I still find it a little funny how this city seems to overreact to what is considered normal snowfall elsewhere. I mean really, the grocery store situation was ridiculous. Actually, buying up the entire store like the world is coming to an end makes way more sense for the few people like me who hate the grocery store and only buy a few things when they do go. But for most people, especially suburbanites who are at Walmart, Target, Costco and every other chain store every weekend, I just don't get it. You can't tell me those people didn't have food and toilet paper at home. Anyway.... So, rather than sit around my place and think about cleaning, and dwell on useless shit (will I ever find love; if I should move to Europe, cut off all my hair, take up smoking, and give myself a cool new name; why there are so many cake shows on TV; etc.) I decided to pack an overnight bag and hang out at my friend Jake's place all weekend (where I'm writing this post). If it weren't for my guy friends I think I would seriously start to believe that men weren't human. Still mildly nursing a breakup wound, Jake has supplied plenty of alcohol, chocolate liqueurs (who knew Jack Daniels and chocolate would be good), frozen junk food, movies, and tons of music including DJ mixes he's downloaded (right now I'm listening to Restricted Access #23 from Timmy Regisford). While Brazil would be an ideal escape from the Blizzard of 2010, I'm in a pretty good place right now. I hope everyone stays safe and warm!
Sphere: Related ContentPosted by City Girl DC 5 comments